Saturday, June 5, 2010


I know I do not give the names of most of the plants or flowers I shoot. To be honest, it's because I don't know all their names. My horticulturist friend does, but he is not with me when I shoot these so I will tell you they look pretty to me. I know, ha ha. I took this one yesterday and after getting home, uploading to the computer, and going through all these, I realized there were bugs on them. I thought that was hilarious. I will be posting more in the future that have flies on them! Hope you all have a good day!


SquirrelQueen said...

Very pretty flower, I believe it is a Gerbera daisy. The little beetle, his name I don't know.

I take a lot of flower shots, sometimes I see the bug while taking the photo but not always. If they sneak in it's cool.

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